Intercultural Studies

Becoming aware of many cultures

Be prepared to serve effectively in cross-cultural communities around the globe!

Do you want a deeper understanding of other cultures as well as your own? Intercultural Studies at Columbia Basin College (网赌正规真人实体在线平台) exposes you to the immense cultural diversity in the world through the study of politics, communications, history, language and culture.

Intercultural Studies enhance your communication skills and build your cultural competency, and can serve as a stepping stone to a four-year degree in several subject areas, such as:

  • Latin American Studies
  • Asian Studies
  • Native American or Indigenous Studies
  • Ethnic Studies
  • History
  • Sociology
  • Anthropology

Intercultural Studies will benefit you no matter what career path you pursue.

Where will Intercultural Studies take you?

Intercultural Studies develops valuable skills, like critical thinking and cross-cultural communication, leading to a variety of potential careers including:

  • International Law
  • Social Work
  • Humanitarian aid/International development
  • Journalism
  • Education
  • Bilingual education
  • Multicultural education
  • Higher Education Professor
  • Government
  • Foreign Service
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
  • Public administration
  • Business
  • International business
  • Import/export
  • Public Relations



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